Friday, October 15, 2010

“K” Family | {Family Photographer}

I am in love with these pictures, they just ooze sweetness.  And if I could use two words to describe this precious family, it would be sweet and genuine.  Love them.

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  1. agh!!!!! LAUREN AMES! The pictures look AMAZING! You so, so, so blessed us. Thank you!! Can't wait to get those bad boys printed and on our wall!
    You did such a great job of capturing our little family. You are so gifted! Thank you!

  2. umm....all I can say is...B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Aw, you guys this is great! And what a beautiful family you three make. Thankyou for sharing these.
